Posts Tagged ‘photography’

monotone photoblogging theme

May 9, 2008

There’s this new theme for WordPress called “Monotone” that caters to photoblogs. What’s amazing about this theme is that it takes your photo of the day, does some analysis on the dominant color, and changes the page background to match it. So each page/day has a different background color. In the words of the Guinness Beer commercials, “Brilliant!” Here’s a demo site. I’m hoping I can somehow incorporate this theme, maybe make a spinoff photoblogging only site. We’ll see…

bench project

April 12, 2008

As blogged about on photojojo, basically what this guy did was tie up a disposable camera to a public bench attached with a note to encourage strangers to take photos. Pretty awesome if you ask me. I just might have to try this one out. I think it’d be quite interesting to see this at a location full of college students. Maybe even an E-Bus stop. Just not sure if they would just decide to steal it.